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Our Services Are NOT For All Eye Care Providers


Please Watch This Important Video Before Proceeding

While we would like to work with any practice that wants to hire us, the reality is that we select the practices we work with very carefully. The practices we choose to work with must meet a reasonable set of criteria in order for us to proceed. We only work with a limited amount of practices at any given time to ensure you receive maximum attention and get the superior results you expect.

Minimum Set of Criteria That Must Be Met:

1. You have an established practice that is already running. We generally do not work with start ups.

2. You must have current flow of  new patients. This means that you’re getting exposure,  you’re running ads, you’re promoting, and you’re selling your services. You don’t have to be a household name …You just need to be PRESENT in your market.

3. A good, solid product/service and a good reputation. Everything we do together will not only be bringing you more sales and profits, but we’ll be doing it in a way that creates MASSIVE goodwill in your market.

That’s it! Those are all the requirements!

If you meet the criteria above and would like to help more patients, book more eye exams, and make more money, here’s what to do next:

Click the green button below and complete the discovery form below. Don’t worry, it’s very easy and takes about 10 minutes. This allows us to get an idea of how you operate, what you want to accomplish, what your ideas are, and so forth. We will then review the information, and create a video analysis of your website and your online presence versus your competition.

We will “spy” on your competition and determine their market share VS yours, and show you exactly how we will reverse enginner a process that will allow you to start gaining more market share.

You will receive your video analysis in 3-5 business days.

If you have a quick question please feel free to email us at: